November 2019
November 8-9, 2019
Cristian Nae and Katalin Cseh-Varga organized the international conference Exhibitions as Sites of Artistic Contact during the Cold War, hosted by George Enescu National University of Arts, Iași, November 8-9, 2019. Details about the speakers, the conference programme and the presentations’ abstracts can be found by accessing the dedicated button on top of the page.
A selection of images from the conference.
November 23-26, 2019
Cristian Nae, Katalin Cseh-Varga and Diana Mărgărit organized the panel Exhibitions as Sites of Artistic Contact during the Cold War during the Annual Convention of ASEEES (The Association for Slavic, East-European and Eurasian Studies), San Francisco, November 23-26, 2019
ASEEES 2019 programme (conference programme, PDF)

June 2019
June 27-29, 2019
Caterina Preda presented the paper ”Transregional links during the Cold War: The case of the Museum of Solidarity (Salvador Allende)” in the international conference The Radical Sixties: Aesthetics, Politics and Histories of Solidarity, University of Brighton, UK, June 27-29, 2019
Radical-Sixties-Programme (conference programme, PDF)
April 2019
April 4-6, 2019
Cristian Nae presented the paper ”Working Men of All Countries, Unite! Mail art Networks across Eastern Europe during Late Socialism” in the panel Visual Solidarities: Crossing borders in aesthetic practices, the Annual Conference of AAH (the UK Association for Art History), University of Brighton, UK, April 4-6, 2019
AAH Conference – April 2019 (conference programme, PDF)
December 2018
December 9th, 2018
Katalin Cseh Varga participates in the 50-th convention of the ASEEES (Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies) organized at Boston, where she presents the communication entitled ”Genealogies of Alternative Culture” in the panel New Explorations of Art and Politics Under Socialism.
October 2018
26-27 Octombrie 2018
Cristian Nae and Caterina Preda participated in the International Conference of the East-Central European Art Forum on the topic Theorizing the Geography of East-Central European Art, organized by Piotr Piotrowski Center for Research on East-Central European Art, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan.
The two researchers presented the papers ”East of the West and West of the East. On the Concept of Scale in Critical Historiography of Art” and ”The Geography of East-Central European Art and Transregional Links during the Cold War. The Case of Museum of Solidaridad (Salvador Allende) and its Collaborative Model with the Socialist Countries in East Central Europe”.
The conference program can be accessed here.
A video recording of the conferences can be accessed at the following link:

11th – 13th October
Cristian Nae participated in the conference Routes and Contact Zones: Artistic Mobility and Exchange in Central and North Eastern Europe, organized by the German and Polish Art Historians and Conservators, Art History Institute, Ludwig-Maximilian-University Munich – Böckler-Mare-Balticum-Foundation
[ download pdf ]
September 2018
21th – 22nd September
The research team realized a public workshop entitled ”Alternative networks, collaborations, influences: art exhibitions as agents of cultural exchange between 1960-1989”, as part of the 7th edition of the National Conference of Aesthetics and Art Theory that took place between September 21-22 2018 at Babeș-Bolyai University Cluj.
Workshop participants: Ph. D. Associate Professor Cristian Nae, Ph. D. lecturer Katalin Cseh-Varga, Ph. D. Magda Radu, Ph. D. Daria Ghiu, Ph. D. Student Mădălina Brașoveanu
The workshop presented the main methodological challenges and research directions of the project.
5th – 7th September
Cristian Nae organized a panel on the topic „Whose Pop? Photographic Appropriations in Eastern and Central European Art after the Thaw” in the framework of the 6th International Conference of the European Network for Avant-Garde and Modernism Studies that took place from 5th until 7th of September at the University of Münster.