The educational event based on a series of 2 lectures and 2 workshops on curatorial research is organized by George Enescu National University of the Arts, Iasi, endorsed by ICMA (Institute of Multidisciplinary Research in Art, UNAGE) and Vector Studio on September 13-14, 2023.

Location: Faculty of Visual Arts and Design in Iasi (Romania)

You are invited to send an email expressing the intention to participate and a short CV on until September 6.
The transportation, accommodation, and subsistence are fully the responsibility of the participant. The participation is free of charge. The communication language is English. The participants will receive an attendance document on behalf of the organizer.
The international experimental educational event in the field of curatorial research consists in 2 advanced lectures and 2 open workshops addressing to MA/PhD students and a wider range of art practitioners and audiences.
The Advanced Lectures are given (in the order of presentations) by Carolina Rito and Inês Moreira who will mediate modes of creative and critical practices from different curatorial research backgrounds and frontlines.
The Open Research Workshops will be conducted in a collaborative tandem between the 2 guests and 2 scholars and curators from the host university (UNAGE, Iași): Cristina Moraru and
Cătălin Gheorghe.
In a convulsive time of diversification and acceleration of crises (emanating from conventional and informational wars, climate cataclysms, contested forms of energy production and speculative distribution, food scarcity and poor quality, pandemic proliferation, financial engineering schemes, neocolonial rearticulations, etc.) there is a need for a poetic reading and rewriting of the entangled situations in which we live. The poetic engagement of those working in the arts field could make the difficulties and pressures we face at the beginning of the 21st century clearer and perhaps even more approachable and surmountable.
The function of a poetics is usually associated with the satisfying labour of structuring the experiences (as observations and explanations) under the claims of epistemological assumptions, aesthetic categorisation, and political envisions in order to provide an orientation map to navigate between worlds, sharing a common language.
If we presume that the unavoidable crises can be also analysed from curatorial and artistic research perspectives in order to expose reasons, infrastructures, and consequences of situations that produced these crises, we can become more knowledgeable about the world in which we live in, but also engaged in overwriting the conditions of thinking and making a commonly accepted reality.
Conventionally, a poetics of crisis would identify aspects and actions of current situations (dominant epistemologies, recurrent aesthetics, and realpolitiks). Alternatively, it would also create the opportunities for different kinds of emancipations and transfigurations.
13 of September
10:00 – 12:00 Lecture + Discussions: Carolina Rito
12:00 – 14:00 Lunch Break
14:00 – 16:00 Cooperative Workshop: Carolina Rito + Cristina Moraru
14 of September
10:00 – 12:00 Lecture + Discussions: Inês Moreira
12:00 – 14:00 Lunch Break
14:00 – 16:00 Cooperative Workshop: Inês Moreira + Catalin Gheorghe
More info about the Guest Lecturers:
researcher and curator, Professor of Creative Practice Research, at the Research Centre for Arts, Memory and Communities (CAMC), at Coventry University, United Kingdom
* Inês Moreira
curator, editor and researcher at CEAA (Research Center Arnaldo Araújo) of Escola Superior Artistica do Porto, Portugal.

More info about Iasi Educational Event: