Financed by the Ministry of Education, the projects aim to increase the institutional capacity and improve the quality of the national higher education system. Discover our research and institutional development projects, depending on the field.
Domain 1
Title: The art of being yourself. Promoting artistic education through measures to facilitate the access to higher education and integration on the labour market;
Coordinator: Lecturer PhD Sandra Mavhima;
Goal: Increasing social inclusion at UNAGE level BY CARRYING OUT INTEGRATED ACTIVITIES that STIMULATE ACCESS TO HIGHER EDUCATION OF HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS FROM DISADVANTAGED AREAS OF the North-East REGION and by correlating the competences acquired in the university with the requirements on the labour market.
Domain 2
Title: Consolidating and equipping the new program Painting – Fine Arts (taught in English) of FAVD –UNAGE Iasi
Coordinator: Assoc. Prof. PhDCristian Ungureanu
Goal: The aim of the project is to develop and promote the academic offer of UNAGE, at the undergraduate level (currently), with the intention of developing the new program Painting– Fine Arts (taught in English) at the master and PhD level, by connecting efficiently to the standards and competencies of the european artistic university education (especially) and of other continents as well.
Domain 3
Title: The broad base of activities and practices in arts – the special extended base;
Coordinator: Lecturer PhD Catalin Soreanu;
Goal: The project aims to stimulate and streamline the exhibition activities carried out in the Special Gallery, as a basis of practice for the students of UNAGE Iasi, part of the interdisciplinary teaching process, with a focus on the dissemination and internationalization of the results. Activities intended to broaden the logistics base, to promote the gallery, as well as to organize educational artistic events are proposed;
Raport sintetic FDI-2021-0093 [PDF]
Domain 4
Title: Entrepreneurial strategies in the field of arts – opportunities and risks;
Coordinator: Lecturer PhD Andrei Enoiu;
Goal: Providing an optimal climate for the students and graduates of UNAGE Iasi to initiate and develop the entrepreneurial activities, by creating a dedicated online center and platforms, organizing conferences/workshops/masterclasses with successful entrepreneurs/sponsors and training sessions within NGOs, in the field of the arts.
Raport sintetic FDI-2021-0153 [PDF]
Domain 5
Titlu: Afterschool: collaborative ways of continuous training in the field of visual arts adapted to the challenges of the open societies;
Coordinator: Assoc. Prof. PhD. Cristian Nae;
Goal: Development, diversification and efficiency of theoretical, didactic, applicative and psycho-pedagogical skills, as well as the teaching-learning-evaluation modalities in the artistic field within the Faculty of Visual Arts and Design of UNAGE Iasi by encouraging the exchange of experience on the methodologies of communication and evaluation of the results of artistic research processes used both in the academic environment and among professionals in the artistic field, as well as by developing the skills of tele-education in the sense of manifesting an innovative methodological behavior at the pedagogical and artistic level in accordance with the principles of open knowledge, between May and December 2021;
Domain 6
Title: DOCTART – Centre of information resources of PhD schools from UNAGE Iasi;
Coordinator: Prof. PhD Matei Bejenaru;
Goal: Creating a framework for the development of artistic research within the PhD schools of the “George Enescu” National University of Arts in Iasi (UNAGE Iasi) by establishing a centre of information resources, organizing series of international conferences of PhD schools, and setting up a space for the exhibition of projects of PhD artistic research.
Raport sintetic FDI-2021-0286 [PDF]
Domain 1
Title: Artistic field – perspectives and opportunities
Coordinator: Lect.univ.dr. Andrei Enoiu;
Goal: The aim of the project is to counsel and guide students from high school education institutions, by organizing communication sessions and training courses, in order to encourage the continuation of their studies, at the “George Enescu” National University of Arts in Iasi.
Raport sintetic [PDF]
Domain 2
Title: Promotion and development of a new academic program in English;
Coordinator: Conf.univ.dr. Cristian Ungureanu;
Scop: The aim of the project is to promote and develop the academic offer of UNAGE by efficiently adapting to the standards and competences of the European and international artistic university education.
Raport sintetic [PDF]
Domain 3
Title: The basis of activities and practices in arts – apARTe;
Coordinator: Lect.univ.dr. Catalin Soreanu;
Goal: The project proposes to stimulate and streamline the exhibition activities carried out in the ApARTe Gallery, as part of the didactic process of acquiring interdisciplinary knowledge specific to contemporary arts. There are proposed activities of reconditioning, equipment and promotion of the gallery, as well as the organization of educational artistic events.
Domain 4
Title: Entrepreneurial society of students – visual arts and design, strengthening an educational climate adapted to labour market changes;
Coordinator: Conf.univ.dr. Dan Acostioaie;
Goal: Familiarizing a number of 150 students, master students and graduates with the anteprenorial environment in the artistic field, multiplying the employment perspectives in parallel with stimulating new entrepreneurial student initiatives, taking into account a better connection to the labor market of UNAGE, by organizing a series of activities by SAS-AVD, between April and November 2020.
Raport sintetic [PDF]
Domain 5
Title: Quality in the university teaching process by using multimedial teaching material on eLearning platforms;
Coordinator: Prof.univ.dr. Florin Grigoras;
Goal: Improving the quality of the teaching activity in UNAGE Iasi by developing didactic material in multimedia format, integrated on its own eLearning Platform.
Raport sintetic [PDF]
Domain 6
Title: Art and research – contemporary challenges;
Coordinator: Prof.univ.dr. Anca Ciobotaru;
Goal: Institutional development in the direction of doctoral studies by supporting the activities of optimizing the process of correlation of the artistic creation with that of excellence research, and ensuring the sustainability of the projects carried out within the Doctoral Schools and the Research and Artistic Creation Centers.
Raport sintetic [PDF]
Domeniul 1
Titlu: Campanie de identificare si atragere a tinerilor proveniti, in special, din medii defavorizate;
Coordonator: Conf.univ.dr. Doru Zaharia;
Scop: Realizarea unei colaborări pe termen mediu și lung cu Inspectoratele Școlare Județene pentru identificarea instituțiilor de învățământ liceal în care se află posibili candidați, provenind din localități rurale ce au instituții liceale, orașe mici și medii defavorizate cu potențial pentru domenii specifice ale UNAGE Iași și organizarea de întâlniri cu aceștia în județele Bacău, Botoșani, Iași, Neamț, Vaslui și Suceava.
Domeniul 2
Titlu: Colaborare universitara transfrontaliera prin dialogul Scolilor doctorale din cadrul Consortiului CUMRU;
Coordonator: Prof.univ.dr. Florin Grigoras;
Scop: Proiectul este destinat cresterii dimensiunii internationale a UNAGE Iasi prin intensificarea colaborarii din cadrul consortiului transfrontalier CUMRU, anume stimularea dialogului dintre scolile doctorale ce apartin universitatilor membre ale consortiului.
Domeniul 5
Titlu: Implementarea noilor tehnologii in procesul didactic;
Coordonator: Lect.univ.dr. Andrei Enoiu;
Scop: Revigorarea materialului didactic utilizat.
Domeniul 2
Titlu: Acreditarea de noi programe academice în limba engleză;
Coordonator: conf.univ.dr. Cristian Ungureanu;
Scop: Scopul proiectului este acela de a dezvolta oferta academică a UNAGE Iași prin racordarea eficientă la standardele și compețentele învățământului universitar artistic european și internațional.