Was founded in 2002 by O.M. no. 4861 of 11 November 2002 by the Ministry of Education. Within this activity is carried out initial and continuous training, pedagogical and teaching students and graduates of higher education who are dedicated to the teaching profession disciplines curricular area Arts: Music, Visual Arts, Theatre and Choreography. If by 2008 within its unfolding just training activities through academic degrees and training programs for teachers in secondary education, preparatory work for the teaching career of students organized themselves into programs within faculties, academic year 2008-2009 initial and continuous training activity takes place in this department, with holders of the national curriculum in basic sciences: Psychology Sciences Education, Didactic in the arts – music, theatre, visual arts, choreography and pedagogical practice.
Department for Teachers Education (DTE) is reorganized in 2015 and renamed (transformation Institute of Psychopedagogical Training and Counseling – IPTC, in 2012 which operate Departament of Psychopedagogical Training – DPT), following the decision of the Senate of 22/09/2015, according to University Charter, the education law no. 1/2011, article 132. 128. 133, 134 and O.M. /13.09.2012 5745 and O.U. 49/2014, ARACIS standards Committee 5 Administrative sciences, education and psychology approved, which enters into force from 01.10.2015, with composed and Departament of Permanent Education (CPE) – coordinator Associate Professor Ph.D. Mihaela Mitescu Manea, Center of Counseling and Career Guidance (CCCG) – coordinator Associate Prof. Ph.D. Geta Dorina Iuşcă, Center of Recognition, Information and Documentation (CRID) – coordinator Lecturer Ph.D. Ona Ionica Anghel, Center for Intercultural Research and Studies (CIRS)– coordinator Professor Ph.D. Eugenia Maria Pașca.
From 2009 through Senate approval was founded Center for Intercultural Research and Studies (CIRS) – a component of the Department for Teachers Education (DTE)in which organized annual international conferences, workshops, national and international projects: Grant CNCSIS RU-PNII -PD – 2010-2012, Romanian Cultural Fund Administration – 2008, National Rroma Agency – 2012 and 2013, National Center for Rroma Culture-Rromano-Kher – 2012. Review of Artistic Education (RAE) is the major publication whose year appearance in 2011 and is included in the BDI (EBSCO, CEEOL, ERIH PLUS, PROQUEST, SCIPIO).
DTE has as mission teaching and research in training teachers to promote a formative education, modern, centered on the subject of learning, tailored to European training programs psychopedagogical oriented pragmatic to the real needs of society and the current priorities of education.
- Within this preparatory work is conducted initial psychopedagogical and teaching students and graduates of higher education who are dedicated to the teaching profession curricular area Arts disciplines: Music, Visual arts, Theater and Choreography. In an average year are enrolled in the program 750-800 students and trainees, training frequency, level I and level II (in parallel with undergraduate or master degree, or postgraduate regime annually – Level I, Level II or semester level I and level II), each level having 30 ECTS, whose graduation is by exam-5 ECTS activity completed by graduation certificate and transcript, mentoring undergraduate work / dissertation on topics of art pedagogy and psychology.
- They also (in an average year are enrolled in the program 300-400 teachers) organized training programs / training for teachers with majors in subjects curricular area Arts (General music education and theoretical studys, Specialized music education – musical interpretation / instrumentals and singing, Theatrical education, General arts education and apecialized, Choreographic education) – exams to obtain academic degrees, courses, trainings, work-shops), guiding the work to support teaching degree I in education and inspections specialist for granting his improvement mentors guiding pedagogical practice of students for subjects mentioned.
Director: Professor Ph.D. Eugenia Maria Paşca, tel./fax. +40 745367773
Office: Iasi, Costache Negruzzi st., no. 7-9, et. I, chamber no. 25, 700126, tel./fax. +40 232 276462