Students can be ballet dancers employed in opera, operetta, musical, ballet theatres, ballet companies in Romania, who want to prepare for a career in the field of creation, or teachers who teach specialties complementary to classical dance in state or private vocational secondary education (with a widespread throughout the country).

The qualifications that can be obtained upon graduation of THE CHOREOGRAPHY degree program, according to COR, are Choreographer – 265302; Dance master – 265306; Master of ballet studies – 265303.


The competition’s trials for admission

Stage I, eliminatory; Test 1) – practical test – performing a dance from the personal repertoire, in a choreographic style at the choice of the candidate. Test 2) – colloquium on the edge of a choreographic sequence watched on the TV/laptop, at the Commission’s choice – discussion about the psycho-social motivations of the candidate regarding his professional orientation

Stage II, Test 1) – the creation of a short choreographic script, starting from 5 words indicated by the commission, designating objects, beings, moods. Test 2) choreographic improvisation on a musical support chosen by the commission (5-10 min.).