The study program trains specialists in the field of mural art (decorative, environmental, religious, ceramic art).
Our graduates can become fine arts teachers for pre-university or university education and their level of training is appropriate to continue their master and doctoral studies. One of our constant concerns is to train future graduates for artistic creation, both in this field and in complementary visual-artistic fields, promoting interdisciplinary artistic research models compatible with national and international cultural-artistic life.
Environmental mural art study program offers students the theoretical and practical knowledge necessary in the process of creating mural paintings in urban space. This program covers a wide range of creative possibilities between private and public space, combining traditional techniques such as: mosaic, sgraffito, stained glass and fresco with modern techniques, such as: acrylic painting, contemporary explorations as for the usage of modules from various synthetic materials, installation
Ceramics study program aims to provide students with skills as for the involvement of ceramic materials as a medium of artistic expression through the use of traditional or modern techniques such as manual modeling or mechanical tools, pottery wheel modeling, glazing, ceramic screen printing and so on. Students are encouraged to approach a wide range of artistic research directions, such as: wall ceramics, ceramic sculpture and practical, unique or small series products, ceramic jewelry pieces, etc.
The optional package Religious mural painting aims at research in the field of religious art and includes courses about Byzantine iconography and traditional techniques specific to this field.
Facebook: Arta murala-Iasi
Fundamental disciplines: Art history | Aesthetics of visual arts | Artistic anatomy | Digital 2D and 3D image processing Computer image processing
Disciplines specific to Mural Art study field : The basics of drawing for mural art | Color study for mural art | Composition for mural art | Two- and three-dimensional representations in environmental mural art | Composition of the environmental space for mural art
Disciplines specific to Ceramics study field: The basics of drawing for ceramics | Color study for ceramics | Composition for ceramics | Two and three dimensional representations in ceramics | Composition of the environmental space for ceramics | Alternative visual structures | Perspective, descriptive geometry | Artistic research methodologies | Shape analysis in decorative art
Optional package A. Environmental mural art: Techniques and technologies (mural art) | Documentation and design (mural art) |
Optional package B. Religious mural art: Techniques and technologies (religious art) | Documentation and design (religious iconography)
Optional package C. Ceramics: Techniques and technologies (ceramics) | Documentation and design (modeling for ceramics) |
Optional module (one of two): Contemporary artistic techniques | Ethics and academic integrity |
Complementary disciplines: Foreign language | Visual language analysis | Physical education and sport |
Optional disciplines: Foreign language 2 | The material structure of an artwork | The basics of photography, photographic techniques
The courses aim to develop technical skills such as the study of drawing, color and composition, transposition techniques, but also disciplines for the development of critical sense, team spirit, broadening the conceptual horizon, giving students the opportunity to experience techniques in the field of media arts.
The equipment includes tool sets necessary for the current operations, but also equipment such as tiles, computerized equipment for layout, electrical equipment for carpentry or painting.