HUMERIA is a cooperation project between higher education institutions in Europe and Eastern Neighbouring countries aiming to stimulate institutional cooperation and collaboration among partners, decision and policy-makers to enhance internationalization.

HUMERIA provides scholarships to students, researchers and staff in the fields of HUManities, Education, Research, International relations and Arts. The grantees must fulfill the eligibility criteria of the Erasmus Mundus programme.

HUMERIA is financed by the Erasmus Mundus Action 2 programme of the European Union.

The project HUMERIA aims at stimulating institutional cooperation and collaboration among partner members and, in particular, decision and policy-makers on strategies to enhance internationalization between EU and Eastern Neighbourhood countries’ higher education institutions  in the fields of HUManities, Education, Regional and International Relations, Arts and Design.

HUMERIA aims at providing a direct added value both to the EU-ENPI ongoing cooperation process in the field of higher education and to European and – especially – Eastern Neighbourhood countries’ students and stakeholders. The project derives from an acute need to enhance cooperation in higher education between the two regions especially in areas that have been underrepresented so far in Erasmus Mundus projects in the Eastern Neighbourhood region.

HUMERIA brings together third partner countries that are currently in the process of undergoing reforms of their educational systems, with special emphasis on enhancing teaching and research in Humanities and Arts, social sciences and education and teacher training. The project expects a wider recognition of studies done in Europe and Eastern Neighbourhood region in the four priority areas.

One of the aims of HUMERIA is to develop learning and teaching capacity in Eastern Neighbourhood countries’ higher education institutions based on previous experience and best practices within the consortium through a collaborative approach. The project will have an impact in fostering bilateral and multilateral cooperation among the partners.

Likewise it seeks to achieve the following objectives:

• Assist the partners and countries in the Eastern Neighbourhood region to address structural educational problems, reform curricula in priority fields of study and contribute to the establishment of a positive research climate of mutual trust and cooperation;

• Respond to the needs of Eastern Neighbourhood countries for closer research collaboration with Europe and to engage on priority fields of common interest (e.g. cultural and educational issues, curriculum development, improvement of teaching techniques, etc.).

• Support the Commission’s regional assistance strategy and neighbourhood policy for the Eastern Neighbourhood region by promoting regional research cooperation and interproject participation.

HUMERIA project aims also to tackle cross-cutting issues such as equal opportunities, gender balance, social equity and brain-drain prevention.

The eligibility period of the HUMERIA project is from 15th of July 2013 until 14th of July 2017.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Acorduri de cooperare inter-universitară

1. Academia de Muzica, Teatru si Arte plastice din Chisinau, Republica Moldova
2. Yaroslavl State Theatrical Institute, Rusia
3. Odessa State A.V. Nezhdanova Music Academy, Ucraina
4. Conservatorio Luiza D’Annunzio, Pescara, Italia
5. Istanbul Technical University, Turcia
6. Consorţiul Universităţilor din Republica Moldova – România – Ucraina
Universitatea de Stat “Alecu Russo” Bălţi, Universitatea de Stat din Moldova, Universitatea “Al. I. Cuza” din Iaşi, Universitatea de Arte “George Enescu” din Iaşi, Universitatea “Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava, Universitatea Naţională “Iurii Fedkovici” Cernăuţi

Acord Consortiu universitar.pdf

O oferta deschisa pentru pregatire profesionala la locul de munca pentru profesionistii din domeniul designului graphic.

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Descrierea Proiectului [pdf]

Ecole d’Art de la Communaute de l’Agglomeration de Bayonne, Anglet, Biarritz, France
Coordinator : aNTIC Pays Basque – Technopole Côte basque – Pavillon Izarbel, Bidart, France
Partners: CO-GEM – Consorzio Grafico Editoriale Molisano, Italy ARTELEKU, Spain A public arts centre under the auspices of the Culture and Basque Department of the Regional Government of Gipuzkoa etic_ Escola Técnica de Imagem e Comunicação, Portugal “George Enescu” University of Arts, Romania University of Linköping, Sweden

Joi, 6 februarie 2025, așteptăm studenții interesați la ora 16:30 la Institutul Francez din România la Iași, pentru prezentarea a programului de Burse France Excellence România 2025/2026, în cadrul unui eveniment organizat în Sala Fondane.
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